Bookmark Contest – Student Designed, Council Selected!

Last year, we launched a new component to our Project Cornerstone ABC Reading program — Book Clubs. Meant to supplement our ABC picture books, Book Clubs incorporates a set of chapter books for 4th/5th grade students that parallel the same values-focused themes, in an effort to engage our most avid and capable readers.

“Whether the 4th/5th grade students choose to participate in the ABC picture book readings and discussions, or in Book Clubs, or a combination of both, they are meant to be complementary, each offering opportunities to discuss similar topics and social-emotional tools,” said Gigi G., our Project Cornerstone ABC Reading Program Coordinator.

As a way to promote Book Clubs in its first year, Gigi created a bookmark that was distributed to all 4th/5th grade students. Later in the year, she was inspired by the Yearbook Cover Contest, and thought it would be great to also put the bookmark design and selection into the kids’ hands. Now, the Student Council gets to select the Bookmark Contest winner at the beginning of the school year, and the Spring Student Council gets to select the Yearbook Cover Contest winner at the end of the school year.

While the bookmarks are only distributed to the 4th/5th grade students, all Village students at all grade levels were invited to participate in this year’s first Bookmark Contest. There were 33 contest entries, and the winning design was selected, as planned, by the Fall Student Council. Each council member was able to vote for three designs, said Gigi, and the design that received the most votes won.

Congratulations to our first Book Club Bookmark Contest winner, 5th grader Taylor U.! Taylor said when she first heard about the contest, the theme of her design “I can disappear into my book,” popped into her head. She used this theme to create artwork of someone diving into a book, with a bookshelf full of books in the background.

While Gigi doesn’t know specifically why the Student Council selected Taylor’s bookmark design as the winner, she says she’d guess it was because it was well done, colorful, and funny, and appealed to boys and girls and all grade levels.

Hats off to all the students who participated and submitted some very fun designs. The Bookmark Contest is just one more way our Project Cornerstone ABC Reading program, now in it’s 14th year at Village, has expanded to offer some very rich learning and now creative opportunities, too!

Taylor U.

Taylor U.

Naomi B


Mason W.


Bella H.


Nolan V.


Lilah F.


Mia D.


Abby M.

Naomi S.

Rachel W. 


Leila V.


Tudor U.


Kaleigh W.


Jessica Y.

Aubrina S.

Ayako I.


Charlotte B.


Yui N.


Justin J.


Rachel B.


Dominic B.

Daniella B.

Nicole R.

Nolan V.

Dominique T.

Rehane B.

Donya V.

Damian A.

Brook D.

Eli L.

Chris R.

Nolan V.

Brook D.