Parent Education
In Campbell Union School District, we work with all of our students to turn them into life-long learners. In that same spirit, we are committed to provide educational opportunities for our students’ parents and care givers. Our school works closely with District staff and community non-profits to provide training and materials for any parent or care giver interested. We invite you to join us as we support the whole family and reinforce student learning at home.

The following Parent Education classes are offered and encouraged during your time at Village School:
Positive Discipline @ School
New families attend PD @ School which is held during the first and second week of school. This is required for all new families before parents participate in the classroom.
No Bully Training
Required for all new families before parents participate in the classroom. New families will attend this training during the third week of school. If you are a returning family and have not yet completed the No Bully Training, we ask…
- Positive Discipline – website with recommended list of books
- P.E.T. Parent Effectiveness Training, Dr. Thomas Gordon
- How to Listen so Kids will Talk and Talk so Kids will Listen, Adele Faber, Elaine Mazlish
- Unconditional Parenting, Alphie Kohn
- Encouraging Words for Kids, Kelly Bartlett
- Teach Your Children Well, Madeline Levine, Ph.D.
- …

Positive Discipline at School
PD@School focuses on applying Positive Discipline in the classroom and on the playground. You will learn the skills needed to talk so that students will listen, set rules so that far less enforcement is necessary, and to effectively handle discipline problems without damaging the students’ self-esteem. Required before parents participate in the classroom. This class is offered at the start of every year for new families to attend.
No Bully
This class provides parents with an overview of Village’s ‘No…
The No Bully organization has created a video highlighting the success and impact the No Bully program has had on our Village Community. Click here to view this fantastic video.
We all belong. We are all significant. As we work, learn and play, we come together with compassion and respect.
Envisioning the Ideal Village Community
The No Bully Team wholeheartedly appreciates the participation of the many parents, teachers and staff who have contributed thus far to the creation of the above working social vision for our community.