
Spirit Day! Opposite Day

Village School TK/K Enrollment Tour

Village School TK/K Enrollment Tour

Spirit Day! Opposite Day

Last day to check Lost & Found

Fall Carnival: Wristband & Bake Sale Tickets

Fall Carnival: Wristband & Bake Sale Tickets

Village Park Playdate at Jack Fischer Park

New Student Meet & Greet (grades tk-1st)

12:30pm Dismissal (Parent-Teacher Conference Week)

Fall Carnival: Wristband & Bake Sale Tickets

Subcommittee: Intergovernmental

Subcommittee: Intergovernmental

Subcommittee: Intergovernmental

Subcommittee: Facilities & Technology

Subcommittee: Teaching & Learning

Subcommittee: Diversity & Inclusion

Subcommittee: Intergovernmental

Subcommittee: Intergovernmental

Subcommittee: Intergovernmental

Upper Grade Book Club Planning Meeting

School Site Council Meeting

Diversity and Inclusion in Student Learning Board Subcommittee Meeting

Facilities and Technology Subcommittee (at Forest Hill)

School Site Council Meeting in Staff Room

Volunteer appreciation coffee

English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) Meeting

English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) Meeting

English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) Meeting

English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) Meeting

Subscribe to the school newsletter

Independence Day holiday

Watch Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety

Watch Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety

Kinder/TK Readiness Packets Available

Kinder/TK Readiness Packets Available

Kinder/TK Readiness Packets Available

Kinder/TK Readiness Packets Available

Kinder/TK Readiness Packets Available

Hazards of Youth Vaping - Gr 4-8 Parent Info

Building Math Mindsets at Castlemont!

Deadline: In-service Day Camp Reg

Professional Development Day (schools closed)

Professional Development Day (schools closed)

Independence Day holiday

Labor Day (schools closed)

Veterans Day (schools closed)

Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday (schools closed)

Memorial Day holiday (schools closed)

Board Mtg. - Annual Organization of the Board

Subcommittee: Teaching & Learning

Martin Luther King Jr. holiday (schools closed)

Memorial Day holiday (schools closed)

Professional Development Day (schools closed)

Calendar Subscription

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Annual Activities

Updated Thu, Sep 19th

The annual Village School Welcome Picnic is a chance to come on campus, meet new families and greet old friends before school starts. Bring your whole family. If you have relatives or friends visiting you, they are welcome too. It’s a casual affair.

There will be music, a free drawing for some choice Village prizes, and an opportunity to register for the Village Camping trip.

Village shirts and sweatshirts will be available for sale and the 5th graders will be fundraising for science camp with name tag lanyard sales so consider bringing cash or your checkbook.

Any questions, please contact our Events Chair, at eventschair [at]

Upcoming Events