Village School

School News

Updated Sat, Jul 6th

Village School Weekly Bulletin

Issue 43

June 7, 2024

School News

Message from Principal Alicia 

We did it!  We made it to the end of the year!  This year has been a whirlwind of new learning, making friends and having fun.  I'm so proud of each and every one of our students. They have worked so hard and come so far.   I hope you all enjoy  some well-deserved rest and relaxation! But don't forget to keep that curious mind active. Read a good book, explore a new park, and maybe even try to learn a new skill. I can’t wait to hear about all your adventures when we return to school in August.  Happy Summer! 

Report Cards
Report Cards are now available for you to view through PowerSchool.  Each family received a letter from the district office at the beginning of the school year with your individual PowerSchool login instructions.  

Back to School Meetings and Orientations
Keep your eye out for a Parent Square message from Alicia by the end of next week with the Back to School meeting dates listed for your information.  Please plan on attending a “Returning Family Orientation” during the week before school starts. At this meeting, we will go over important school communication changes as well as first week logistics such as class lists, schedules, pick up/drop off and school expectations.   


The School Library is Officially Closed for the Year!

Bev Flichman, Library Media Specialist at Village School

  • If you need any assistance or have any questions, please feel free to reach out at library [at] I hope you have a great summer reading!

Shout Outs

We want to extend a huge shout out to all the parents who volunteered their time and energy to make all the end of the year events such fun and special times for our students and families

  • Talent Show 

  • 5th Grade Fundraisers

  • High School Grad walk

  • End of the Year Party Palooza 

  • 5th Grade Beach Day

Additionally we want to thank the Yearbook team who captured so many wonderful snapshots throughout the year to create a book filled with memories our kids will cherish for a long time. 

Summer Pickups

Veronica Pruitt, Secretary

Feel free to stop by to pick up from campus (available all hours including weekends):

  • Free books will be on the purple bookcase all summer

  • Items from parent folder or left in classroom will be on the green bookcase all summer

  • Lost and found rack, unclaimed ceramics pieces will be out until Tuesday morning then they will be donated.

Summer Communication

Veronica Pruitt, Secretary

Please be sure to check your email periodically as it is our primary form of communication.  We also work hard to consolidate information in a weekly bulletin so you don’t get a million emails- this resource is crucial for all Village families to read.  This summer you can expect the following communications:

  • Invites to summer park playdates from the Membership Team

  • June 14th - List of Back to School meeting and event dates from Alicia (on Parent Square) 

  • August 2nd - Enrollment confirmation from Veronica (on Parent Square)

  • August 9th - Weekly Bulletin resumes

  • Mid August -  Reminders for key events before the start of school

  • August 20th - Class placements and welcome email from teacher

Follow Us on Social Media! 

Facebook - Village School Campbell USD 
Instagram -

PTA Information

Summer Playdates

Alex Clements, Incoming Membership Chair 

Please join us to play and meet & greet with incoming and returning Village families NEXT WEEK on Friday, June 14th at Jack Fischer Park from 10am - 12pm.

We'll host another summer playdate on Wednesday, July 17 at Jack Fischer Park from 10am - 12pm

These meet-ups are a casual way to build community and get to know some of the kids and families you'll see in the classroom this Fall. 

Hope to see you there!

Family Jobs Survey

Sara Reilly, Family Job Coordinator 

As we wrap up this school year and prepare for the next, we kindly ask you to fill out our Family Jobs Survey.  All families are requested to perform at least one (1) family job each year. Our goal is to match each family with a role that aligns with their interests and availability. This survey will help us to place you in a role where you feel comfortable and can make a meaningful contribution to our community.

Please fill out the survey by Friday, June 21st. 

Family Job Survey Link

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please reach out to me directly at familyjobs [at]

Thank you in advance for all that you do to support our students, staff, and school.

Summer Garden Maintenance

AJ Bowden, Garden Coordinator

This year, our student gardeners did a wonderful job of planting many California native plants in our new Habitat Garden. These plants need hand-watering until their roots grow deep enough to survive the summer without supplemental water.

During summer break, I will come to school once per week to water the plants, but I am hoping to enlist some kind helpers so that the plants get watered a second time each week. The best time to water is in the morning (before 10am), and all that is required is to spray with a hose for about 30 minutes.

If your family has any interest in helping to keep our lovely Village garden growing, please email me (adrienne.bowden [at] If ten families volunteer, then each family only needs to water one time!

Thanks for considering!

Important Dates to Note

June 14, 2024- Park Playdate at Jack Fischer Park 10:00am-12:00pm

July 17, 2024 Park Playdate at Jack Fischer Park 10:00am-12:00pm 

August 17, 2024 First Maintenance Day 8:30am-12:30pm 

August 21, 2024 First Day of School 

Here is a link to the 2024-2025 CUSD School Year Calendar 

Updated Tue, Mar 12th

Our Masked Readers will be revealing their identities and reading their books to our students and families at the Masked Reader Reveal on Wednesday, February 28th at 6:00pm.  There will be crafts and activities for those who want to stay for more fun following the reveal.  We hope to see you there! 

Updated Tue, Feb 13th

To celebrate the 100th day of school, Village 2nd graders built bridges out of 100 popsicle sticks! The whole school came out to see how much weight the bridges could hold.  Great job designing, building and testing your bridges Second Graders!  

Updated Tue, Jan 30th

The information you share on the survey directly impacts your family's experience at school.  Please take the time to complete the Disrict School Experience Survey. 

Updated Thu, Nov 16th
Students at Village School understand the importance of giving back to the community. Recently, our Kindergartners made thank you cookies for the firefighters who gave them a tour of the Sunny Oaks Fire Station. 
Our robust parent participation program helps students see the benefits of the give and take that happens between schools, families, and the community. We will build upon these lessons as we focus on gratitude and giving in November as Thanksgiving approaches.
Updated Fri, Nov 10th

The Village campus is bustling with activity each afternoon as students participate in volunteer-led centers.  Students attend each center one day a week for 4-6 week sessions.  This year students are participating in Ceramics, Color Club, Cryptozoology, Discovering Your Inner Strength, Electro-Adventures, Gardening for Habitat, Midievil Times, Minute to Win It, Park Rangers, Post Office, Science Magic and Woodworking!  

Updated Thu, Nov 16th

Students, staff and families gathered in the courtyard for our first rally of the year.  Class names were announced, birthdays were celebrated and some of our students leaders helped us review the Village M&Ms - Model Respect, Make Good Choices, Solve Problems.  Please join us for our next rally on November 9th.  The theme for our November rally will be gratitude.  

Updated Fri, Sep 29th

Village Families have been coming to school each week for the past three weeks to complete our new family training courses -  Positive Discipline at School and No Bully.  All new VIllage families are highly encouraged to attend these classes to help prepare them for volunteering on campus.   Read on to learn more about Positive Discipline at School and No Bully.  

Positive Discipline at School

Positive Discipline at School  focuses on applying Positive Discipline in the classroom and on the playground.  Volunteers learn the skills needed to talk so that students will listen, set rules so that far less enforcement is necessary, and to effectively handle discipline problems without damaging the students’ self-esteem.  

No Bully

The No Bully class provides families and volunteers with an overview of Village’s  ‘No Bully’ program. This class helps build an understanding of what bullying is and how it differs from peer conflict, the most common types of bullying that occur, and the players in a bullying scenario.  This class also informs families of the Solution Team process, including the roles of a trained Solution Coach and all adults in helping end bullying behaviors. 

These two courses are recommended before parents participate in the classroom and they are offered at the start of every year for new families to attend.  The Village PTA will be providing additional Family Education opportunities throughout the school year.  Congratulations to our new parents for completing these two courses!  

Updated Mon, Aug 21st

Welcome back!  We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday, August 16th.  Village staff and families have been working hard getting ready for the new school year.  We know that this year will be filled with lots of learning, collaboration, and FUN! 

By now you should have received our first weekly bulletin with start of school information.  

Class assignments will be sent in an email on Tuesday, August 15th at 4:30 pm.  

Remember - school starts at 8:05 am for 4th and 5th graders and 8:25 am for Kindergarten - 3rd graders.  The bell schedule is linked to this posting for your reference.

Enjoy the last few days of summer! 

Village Bell Schedule

Updated Mon, Jan 8th

We will host several Open Houses for the 2024-2025 school year. The Open House includes an informative presentation from the principal and the PTA Board, a tour led by our fifth graders, follwed by an informal time to ask any remaining questions. We will host one in the evening on Thursday, Jan 18th at 6:30 pm and two options during school hours Friday, Jan 19th at 11:00 am or Monday, Jan 29th 9:00am . 

We look forward to meeting you!

You can also visit the CUSD Enrollment website for more details about registering your child for the 2024-25 school year.